19th LUMEN International Scientific Conference

Deadlines for registration |

» early registration –  September 1st 2019
» normal registration  – November 10th 2019

[Note! The registration fee is individual, and paid by each author from the abstract authorship accepted in the conference.]

ORAL & Workshop 
Early 35 euro (1st submission) 25 euro each (from 2nd to 4th submission of the same author)
Normal  55 euro (1st submission) 40 euro each (from 2nd to 4th submission of the same author)
POSTER & VIRTUAL Presentation
Early & Normal  50 euro (1st to 4th submission of the same author)
PLENARY Speech Presentation
100 euro/accepted candidate
Other services
20 euro (Poster design + printing, upon request)For Publication Fees, please click here.

The publication fee is NOT included in the participation fee.

Deadlines for submitting FULL PAPER | November 30th 2019  (Answer of acceptance/rejection of the FULL PAPER – 4 weeks from full paper submission.)

Deadline for PUBLICATION FEE payment 10 days after the acceptance of full paper for publication (not abstracts).
*Note: By registering with virtual and poster presentation, video recording (or Skype live broadcasting) and posters, authors give their implicit agreement in sharing their papers on the Youtube channels and on the social networks of the conference.