6th LUMEN International Conference – Rethinking Social Action. Core Values – RSACV 2015
16th – 19th of April 2015 Iasi, Romania
6th edition LUMEN International Scientific Conference is a manifestation with multidisciplinary character, whose general objective is to promote scientific excellence, encouraging original researches.
With this edition we want to bring to debate the current dimensions of social action in a global and multicultural context. Social action suffers a paradigmatic mutation through its interplay with the communicative action, both the inter-individual and the mass communication being the key engines of social action.
Today more than ever, the social action is relocated and transferred to the virtual environment. We invite researchers in any field to contribute to a new paradigm of social action, based on the core values of contemporary society.
There are expected papers in the social sciences and humanities fields, without being set a precise disciplinary border.There are expected papers to cover areas of interest and more. There are expected and encouraged the transdisciplinary approaches that overcome the existing cleavage between theory and empiric.
- Social work practice
- Social work response to migration
- Social work counseling
- Participation and sustainability
- Strengths based social work
- Social work and appreciative inquiry
- Supervision of social practices
- Professional ethics and social sciences
- Ethics in social work practice
- Human development
- Social work and human rights
- Phenomenological approach of the social field
- Identity, image and social cohesion
- Deviance and social control
- Elderly social work
- Social entrepreneurship
- Social inclusion of people with disabilities
- Social marketing
- Probation practices in contemporary world
- Collective behavior and social movements
- Corporative social responsibility
- Social security and public health
- Social work practice
- Social work response to migration
- Social work counseling
- Participation and sustainability
- Strengths based social work
- Social work and appreciative inquiry
- Supervision of social practices
- Sociology of marriage and family
- Sociology of minorities
- Sociology of population and migration
- Sociology of religion
- Sustainable social development
- Political sociology and law issues
- Public administration and law
- International law
- Qualitative and quantitative research methods
- Social sciences epistemology
- Social semiotics
- Political behavior and organization
- Political philosophy
- Philosophy of religion
- Social and political movements
- European studies
- Social media
- Media ethics
- Organizational communication
- Language, reading and communication
- Business ethics
- Business communication
- Business performance management
- Business law
- Communications management
- Information technology management
- Management of human resources
- Marketing research
- Strengths based management
- Stress management
- Migration of human resources
- Social philosophy
- Bioethics
- Ethics
- Anthropology
- Ethnic relations, human rights and collective good
- Gender and human rights
- Human rights and social equality
- International social development and education
- Problem solving and decision making
- Counseling
- Psychology of culture
- Environmental philosophy
- Social psychology