19th LUMEN International Scientific Conference


Martin SMUTEK, PhD

PhDr., vice-director of the Institute of Social Work, University of Hradec Králové | CZECH REPUBLIC

PhDr. Martin Smutek, Ph.D. is the vice-director of the Institute of Social Work, University of Hradec Králové, Czech Republic. He is graduate of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. His long-term focus is on theory of welfare state and modernisation processes of contemporary society and the question of epistemology in social sciences in general. He is lecturer in the field of social policy, welfare state development and macro perspective of the role of social work in the society. He focuses on theory of public policy. He is the author of several articles focused on welfare regimes changes in late modern era and de-familialisation processes. As a main researcher he participated on the topics such as: „Industrialization of social work services and changes in social work professiography“, „Welfare state in so called post-industrial era and flexibilization of work“, „Europeisation of social work“ or comparative research „European municipalities and social services“.  He is oriented on qualitative/interpretative research methods and is interested in social philosophy and tries to catch the intersubjective nature of social reality into the theory using modification of Alfred Shutz theory of action. The key problem of several last years is industrialisation process of modern society for him. The object of his critic is the ongoing process of standardisation of work in late modern societies which has deep impact on service sector including social services and causes „robotisation“ of work and flow production of services which leads to fade of human nature even in human services.


Lukas VALEK, PhD

Assistant Professor PhD, Institute of Social Work of the University of Hradec Kralove | CZECH REPUBLIC

Lukas Valek completed his bachelor´s degree in financial management in 2006 at University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic and master´s degree in corporate finance and business in 2009 at Brno University of technology, Czech Republic. Later on, he progressed to non-profit sphere and gained more experience in the area in following years later working as a trainer in non-formal learning approaches. After is appointment in a board of one of major voluntary organizations in Prague he found his own NGO in the city of Hradec Kalove in 2012. On parallel he begun a research in the field of complementary economy systems again at University of Hradec Kralove. At this moment he is assistant professor on Institute of Social Work of the University of Hradec Kralove as researcher, lecturer and developing international relations.


Ciprian Constantin IFTIMOAEI, PhD

Government Inspector within the General Government Secretary | ROMANIA

Personal information and education: Born on December 2nd 1975 in Husi, Vaslui County, currently living in Iasi; bachelor’s degree in sociology and politology – head of promotion (1995-1999), master’s degree in public systems and policies (1999-2001), postgraduate training in diplomacy and security – IDR (2011), PhD in political sciences (2012). Scholarships and specializations abroad: Hungary (1998), Holland (1999), Poland (2000), Lithuania (2001), France (2007), Bulgaria and Turkey (2010), Belgium (2014), Austria (2015), Greece (2015).

Publications: over 30 papers on sociology and politology in journals indexed BDI. Published books: Elitism. Theoretical and ideological contributions to the study of political elites; Government elites in post-communist Romania; On security, democratic consolidation and good governing. Romania in European context, all published with LUMEN Publishing House.

Professional experience: government inspector within the General Government Secretary (since 2012), sub-prefect of Vaslui County (2005-2007), prefect of Vaslui County (2007-2009), government counselor (2005-2007), civil servant (sociologist) within DGASPC Iasi (2001-2005); Associate Professor PhD within the Department of Political Sciences of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University from Iasi (2001-2004; 2013-2015).




Professor PhD, Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava | ROMANIA

He introduced the contemporary non-generic universality perspective in the understanding of the Being.He inaugurated the integrated semiotic study of the philosophical discourse and introduced the idea of semiotic expressivity. He introduced the theme of the European Philosophical Databases System (EUPHIDAS), the (copyrighted!) concept of the Romanian Online Philosophical Encyclopaedia, created the first Romanian Philosophy Internet Database System (ROPHIDAS) – a Romanian Academy funded project, discontinued now and wrote about the impact of TIC on philosophical research, on university teaching, on social work, on human security, on local public administration a.o. He created / co-created the 2nd, 3rd & 4th exclusively online Romanian philosophical journals (among the first in CEE): ROPHIR, ROSLIR & ROCSIR (1998-2008 – discontinued now. Under topics related to Human Being & Technology, he organized / co-organized several Round Tables during the last two World Congresses of Philosophy (Athens, 2013; Seoul, 2008) and various conferences: PHEADE & EPHES conferences (2009-2015: Suceava; Pune – India; online); Technological Singularity (Suceava, 2009 – first in CEE); Human Being in the Contemporary Society (UNESCO’s high patronage – Volgograd, 2007).

During various international conferences (India, Jordan, Korea, Mexic, Russia a.o.) he was a key and/or a plenary speaker. He teaches courses in Philosophy and Social Sciences at „?tefan cel Mare” University from Suceava, Romania and supervise doctoral students interested in Philosophy & Technoethics. Informally, he is the team leader of the EPHES (Ethics Philosophy and Engineering in Society) Research Centre from this university. He is member of several international professional associations and founding President of the, unique in EU, Romanian Society for Philosophy Engineering and Technoethics. He is member of various editorial boards of international journals. He had various ERASMUS teaching assignments in EU (Portugal, Italy, Greece). His activity has also several other dimensions: Fractal Art Creator (probably the best known from Romania), Travel Vlogger (first exclusively 360°), Poet and Inventor. Current research interests:  interactions between complexity, information, Human Being and technology.

Plenary speech: “Beyond the implications of the Global Technological Risks”.



Associate Professor PhD – University „Stefan cel Mare” Suceava | ROMANIA

Doctor of Philosophy (Philosophy of Science domain), with thesis the „Antinomies mathematical and transcendental and their destiny in the contemporary Philosophy and Science”, he is also licensed in Psychology and has a master in Psychology and Psychosocial Intervention and Psychotherapy. He teaches courses like Introduction to Philosophy,Introduction to Psychology, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Philosophical Anthropology or Political Anthropology. Bogdan Popoveniuc has authored two books and two undergraduate courses and published more than 90 scientific articles mostly from an inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary perspective in the areas of Philosophy, Anthropology and Psychology.


Sorin-Tudor MAXIM, PhD

Professor PhD, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava (ROMANIA)

His  areas of competence are moral philosophy and political philosophy. His studies are focused on elements of prospective ethics, moral conscience issues, moral responsibility and tolerance. He has published more than 10 books as author and coordinator and more than 100 studies in prestigious volumes from home and abroad, such as “Constiinta morala” Editura Junimea, Iasi, 1999; “Toleranta. Dreptul la diferenta”, Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucharest, 2004; “Peripatethice” Editura PIM, Iasi, 2010, “Elemente de logica si teoria argumentarii, Editura LUMEN, 2014”



Professor PhD, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University from Iasi (ROMANIA)

MARIUS DUMITRESCU is Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iasi. His main fields of interest are modern philosophy, philosophical anthropology and psychoanalysis. His most significant volumes are: Descartes or the Doubts of Certainties (Descartes sau certitudinile îndoielii) (1996), which won ”Mircea Florian Prize” of the Romanian Academy, What happens when philosophy is taken seriously? (Ce se întâmpl? când filosofia este luat? în serios?) (1999), Plato in the mirror of time. A Journey in Philosophical Anthropology (Platon în oglinda timpului. Periplu în antropologia filosofic?) (2002), Beyond the mysteries of philosophy and philosophers (Dincolo de tainele filosofiei si ale filosofilor) (2002), Alchemy of Human Becoming (Alchimia devenirii umane) (2007), Psychoanalysis Applied in Philosophy and Art (Psihanaliza aplicat? în filosofie si art?) (2014), and Baroque Genesis of Modern Philosophy (Geneza baroc? a filosofiei moderne) (2016).


Cristian Mihail RUS, PhD

Lecturer PhD, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi (ROMANIA)

Visiting professor at Volda University College, Norway, funded program by Norwegian Government; Aarhus University Denmark; Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany;
Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Aydin, Turkey; Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Cristian Mihail Rus – Bachelor’s degree holder in gymnastics, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Linguistics and Sciences, Bacau, Romania. Master’s degree in “Intercultural Education”, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi. Master’s degree holder of Olympic Studies module/ specialization, Loughborough University (UK). Doctor in Education Sciences, State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Graduated  “University staff human resources management” course, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,  “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi. Graduated “Quality, innovation, communication in life-long training system of higher education practitioners”,  Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport in collaboration with the University of Bucharest, Cluj, Iasi, Timisoara. Graduated Foreign Policy and Diplomacy,  Romanian Diplomatic Institute.

The author of many specialized scientific studies, sole author, and contributor to several courses and auxiliaries. The author of the books: 2012 – “Karate. For physical education and sports teacher”. 2011 – “Gymnastics in School”. 2009 – “Physical education teacher training. Basic gymnastics means for higher education”. 2008 – “For physical education and sports teacher. Badminton”. 2007 – “Physical education teacher training. Basic gymnastics methods for higher education”. 2005 – “For physical education and sports teacher. Gymnastics”. Coordinated volume: 2010 – “For physical education and sports teacher. Methods used in school”.



Associate Professor  PhD“Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, School of Medicine,  Department of Bioethics and Medical Ethics, Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Iasi | ROMANIA

Elena Toader is gastroenterologist and internal medicine physician,  PhD in Medicine, associate professor of Bioethics Department “Gr.T.Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi. She graduated the  Faculty of Law at “Al.I.Cuza” University Iasi and she followed postgraduate courses of Health Management. She is IRB member of the “Gr. T.Popa” University, member of the International Forum of Teachers of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and editorial board member of Romanian Journal of Bioethics. Her publications include several academic articles with ethical, social and medicine topics. Ms Toader’s is also member in many professional societies, within which she conducted activities recognized by each professional organisation.


Camelia Maria Cezara IGNATESCU, PhD

Associate Professor PhD,  “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava (ROMANIA)

She graduated the Law School of “Al. I. Cuza” University from Iasi in 1992, and in the fall of the same year she took an exam for the position of teaching assistant at “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava. In 2010, she sustained her doctorate thesis “Law abuse”, thus obtaining the scientific title of Doctor of Law. From March 2012 and up to present time, she has been and still is the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences.
She is associate trainer at the National Institute for Preparation and Improvement of Lawyers – Territorial Centre Iasi, and a tutor for the auditors of justice of the National Institute of Magistrates. She is the president of “ASDAP”, the Association of Law and Public Administration. She has participated in numerous national and international conferences, published in magazines rated in international data bases and have published 5 volumes in the area of General Theory of Law and Civil Law.


Antonio SANDU, PhD

Professor PhD, “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava (ROMANIA)

Researcher LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Iasi (ROMANIA)

Deputy Chair in Romanian Unit of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Cluj (ROMANIA)

Antonio Sandu currently works as Professor PhD at the “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, and as a Senior Researcher at the LUMEN Research Centre in Social & Humanistic Sciences in Iasi (Romania). He was appointed Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Ethics and Health Policy of “Gr. T. Popa” University, Iasi. He has a BA in Philosophy, another one in Social Work, and the third BA in law. The author also has a MA in Probation and Social Reintegration from “Al. I. Cuza” University. He has a PhD in Philosophy from the “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iasi (Romania), with a thesis entitled „Oriental Philosophy and Modern Physics. A Humanistic Vision on Universe”.

His main areas of interest include ethics, bioethics, social work and social philosophy. He has authored more than 15 books in Social Work, Philosophy, and Applied Ethics, with more than 100 articles in scientific peer-reviewed journals.

The original contributions of the author’s scientific activities start from the social construction of reality, and social constructionism seen from a semiological perspective. He analyses the social construction of reality by developing his very own version of social constructionism at the intersection between the constructionist paradigm and the theory of communicative action.