IASI, ROMANIA, 15th-17th of MAY 2019
WEDNESDAY, 15th of MAY 2019
09.00 – 10.00 – Opening ceremony – Vivaldi Conference Room, Palas Congress Hall
Professor PhD Antonio SANDU – President of LUMEN Association, Iasi, Romania.
11.00 – 18.00 – Registration desk – LUMEN Publishing House stand in LIBREX 2019 book-fair, Atrium Palas Mall Iasi
10.15 – 11.15 – Plenary Session 1 – Vivaldi Conference Room, Palas Congress Hall
– in conjunction with the plenary workshop „Regandirea actiunii sociale din perspectiva etica. Perspective pentru practica sociala”, part I
Bianca HUIDU – LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences
1. PhD Elena UNGURU, LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Iasi, Romania & Professor PhD Antonio SANDU, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania | Social Construction of Supervision in Social Work in the North-Eastern region of Romania
2. Associate Professor PhD Secil TASTAN, Faculty of Business Administration, Marmara University, Turkey | The Impacts of Perceived Ethical Climate and Codes of Ethics on Employees’ Deviant Behaviors in Organizations
3. Professor PhD Barry L. JACKSON, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, United States of America | When is a Rose not a Rose? Research Challenges and Opportunities in a Global Context.
4. Professor PhD Emilyia TAJSINA, Kazan State University of Power Engineering, Department of Philosophy, Russian Federation | Acting against Wish according to Will: John Locke’s Ethics
11.15 – 11.30 – Break
11.30 – 12.50 – Plenary Session 2 – Vivaldi Conference Room, Palas Congress Hall
– in conjunction with the plenary workshop „Regandirea actiunii sociale din perspectiva etica. Perspective pentru practica sociala”, part I
Bianca HUIDU – LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences
1. PhD Ciprian IFTIMOAEI, Deputy Director of Iasi County Directorate, National Institute of Statistics, Iasi, Romania | Socio-Demographic Issues Analysed from the Perspective of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
2. Professor PhD Veaceslav MANOLACHI, Rector of State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova | Doping in Sport as a Symptom and Factor of the Contemporary Society Crisis
Co-author: Victor MANOLACHI, State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
3. Associate Professor PhD Bogdan POPOVENIUC, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania | Nanny AI: An Oxymoron
4. PhD, Chief of Scientific Works Simona Irina DAMIAN, Institute of Forensic Medicine, Iasi, Romania | The Importance of Social Intervention in Cases of Intra-family Violence against Minors
Co-authors: Ancuta Rohozneanu, Alexandru Glodeanu, Tatiana Iov, Diana Bulgaru Iliescu.
12.50 – 13.00 – Break
13.00 – 13.30 – Presentation of LUMEN Book Series on juridical sciences – Atrium Palas Mall, level 0 – LIBREX 2019 Book Fair
– in conjunction with LIBREX 2019 Book Fair –
Invited speakers:
Assoc. prof. PhD Camelia IGNATESCU – Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, University Stefan cel Mare from Suceava, Romania
Prof. PhD Aurora CIUCA – Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, University Stefan cel Mare from Suceava, Romania
Prof. PhD Antonio SANDU – Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, University Stefan cel Mare from Suceava, Romania
Prof. PhD Nadia ANITEI – Dunarea de Jos University from Galati, Romania
PhD Student Alexandra HUIDU – Coordinator of LUMEN Book Series on juridical sciences
13.30 – 14.00 – Book Release “Competenta judecatorului de camera preliminara” – authors Denisa BARBU & Georgiana Mariana NICULAE – published by LUMEN Publishing House, 2019 – Atrium Palas Mall, level 0 – LIBREX 2019 Book Fair
– in conjunction with LIBREX 2019 Book Fair –
Invited speakers:
Georgiana Mariana NICULAE – Co-author – Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania
Assoc. prof. PhD Camelia IGNATESCU – Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava, Romania
Prof. PhD Aurora CIUCA – Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava, Romania
Prof. PhD Antonio SANDU – Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava, Romania
PhD Student Alexandra HUIDU – Coordinator of LUMEN Book Series on juridical sciences
14.00 – 16.00 – Mozart Conference Room, Palas Congress Hall – LIBREX 2019 Book Fair
Plenary workshop „Regandirea actiunii sociale din perspectiva etica. Perspective pentru practica sociala”, part II
& Round tables based on the volumes “Etica si integritate in educatie si cercetare” & “Consilierea filosofica apreciativa”
– in conjunction with LIBREX 2019 Book Fair –
1. Lecturer PhD Polixenia NISTOR, Al. I. Cuza University from Iasi, Romania | Philanthropy and Social Work in the Romanian Orthodox Church. Case study in the Archiepiscopate of Iasi
2. PhD Roxana NECULA – President of Iasi Branch – National College of Social Workers, Romania | Consequences of Human Trafficking. A Sociological Perspective
3. Professor PhD Barry L. JACKSON, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, United States of America, & Scientific Researcher Irina STAHL, Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy | Spiritual Counsellors and Religious Clients
4. Scientific Researcher Iulian APOSTU, Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania | The Consensual Union- the Stake of a New Marriage?
5. PhD Student Ioan TICU, University of European Studies of Moldova, Doctoral School – Legal studies and international relations | Legal Regulations and Consequences of the Migration Phenomenon on State Security
Round table based on the volume “Etica si integritate in educatie si cercetare”, coordinated by Antonio Sandu & Bogdan Popoveniuc
Invited speakers:
1. Professor PhD Antonio SANDU – Center for Applied Ethics within Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania.
2. Associate Professor PhD Bogdan POPOVENIUC – Center for Applied Ethics within Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania.
3. PhD Student Alexandra HUIDU – Doctoral School of Sociology, University of Oradea, Romania.
PhD Roxana NECULA – President of Iasi Branch – National College of Social Workers, Romania
Philosophical Counselling as Social Action. Round table based on the volume „Consilierea filosofica apreciativa”, coordinated by Antonio Sandu
Invited speakers:
1. Professor PhD Antonio SANDU – Center for Applied Ethics within Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania.
2. Associate Professor PhD Bogdan POPOVENIUC – Center for Applied Ethics within Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania.
3. Associate Professor PhD Tomita CIULEI – Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Letters and Communication, Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania.
PhD Roxana NECULA – President of Iasi Branch – National College of Social Workers, Romania.
17.00 – 19.00 – Oral Session 1: Education – Senate Hall, Petre Andrei University of Iasi
Moderator: Gabriel GORGHIU, Bogdan Constantin NECULAU
1. Elena Ancuta SANTI, Gabriel GORGHIU | The Student-Centered Learning Paradigm – University Teachers’ Values and Competencies
2. Ana Maria Aurelia PETRESCU, Roxana Constanta ENACHE, Laura Monica GORGHIU, Gabriel GORGHIU | Postmodernism Influences in the Contemporary Education Architecture
3. Gabriel GORGHIU, Laura Monica GORGHIU, Claudia Lavinia BURULEANU, Daniela AVRAM | Considerations of Secondary Students’ Concerning their Healthy Eating Knowledge
4. Tudorita GRADINARIU, Bogdan Constantin NECULAU | Approaches to Prevent Bullying in Romanian Schools- Designing a Curriculum for a Teachers Training Program
6. Marian PISLARIU | Transnational Parenthood and the Effects of Migration on Children Left at Home
7. Georgiana CORCACI | Students’ Perception of the University Education System and the Labor Market – As a Prerequisite for Integrating into the Professional Career
8. Xenia NEGREA | Local Journalism and Social Journalism – Isomorphism and Proximity
9. Gabriela Alina ANGHEL, Claudia VLAICU, Ramona NEACSA, Camelia VOICU | Moral Education Precursors for the Post-Millennial Generation
10. Suzana Carmen CISMAS | Dissemination of Erasmus+ Training Staff Mobilities
17.00 – 19.00 – Oral Session 2: Sociology – Amphitheatre, Petre Andrei University from Iasi
Moderator: Alexandra GALBIN, Marius Constantin ROMASCANU
1. Alexandra GALBIN | Organizational Culture and the Innovative Behavior Motivation
2. Alexandra GALBIN | The Importance of Developing Non-Cognitive Skills in Romania School Context
3. Adela LAZAR, Smaranda CIOBAN, Adrian HATOS | Predictors of Generosity Among Teenagers in the Digital Era. Does Online Consumption Have an Impact on Prosocial Behavior?
4. Seçil TASTAN, Emre ISCI | The Relations of Toxic Workplace Environment with Perceived Burnout and Occupational Commitment: An Appraisal of Ecological Theory in Organizations
5. Virgil GHEORGHE | The Moderating Role of Work Locus of Control in Relationship Between Assessing Emotions and Job Satisfaction
6. Dana Monica SODINCA | The Living Conditions of Disabled Adults
7. Livia STEFAN, Dragos GHEORGHIU | A Sociological Evaluation of a Digital Incentive Tool for Museums
8. Mihaela MOTAIANU, Livia STEFAN | Augmented Reality as a Communication Tool With Children and Teenagers with Asperger Syndrome
9. Marius Constantin ROMASCANU, Dan Florin STANESCU | Predictors of Assertive Behavior in the Workplace
10. Fatjona KAMBERI, Enkeleda SINAJ | Assessment for Stroke Risk- Suggestions from a Pilot Study
THURSDAY, 16th of MAY 2019
09:00 – 10:00 – Registration desk – Petre Andrei University from Iasi
10:00 – 11:45 – Oral Session 1: Social Sciences – Education, Sport and Health – Senate Hall, Petre Andrei University from Iasi
Moderator: Liliana BUDEVICI – PUIU
1. Liliana BUDEVICI – PUIU, Mihai ONOI, Anatolie BUDEVICI-PUIU | The Development of Scientific Researches in Higher Education of Physical Education and Sports Through Doctoral Studies in the Republic of Moldova
2. Cosmin VECHIU, Liliana BUDEVICI – PUIU | The Organization of Cognitive Activity and Teaching Based on the Scientific Investigation Model
3. Marina ISRAFILOV | The New Disability Paradigm: from the Medical Approach to the Integrative Biopsychosocial Approach
4. Natalia ROTARU-SIRBU | The Impact of Childhood Abuse on Women
5. Viorica CERNEAVSCHI, Valentina STRATAN | Psycho-pedagogical Conditions of the Working Culture Formation at the Pupils with Mental Disabilities
6. Cristian ADASCALITEI | Analysis of Vocational Education as a Potential Context of Adolescent Development
7. Andra-Mirabela ADASCALITEI | Exploring Persuasive Messages in the School Environment
8. Enkeleda SINAJ, Fatjona KAMBERI | Role of Physiotherapy in Rehabilitation after Stroke-a Review
9. Crina LEZEU | Qualitative Study: The Well-being of Children with Disabilities
10:00 – 11:45 – Oral Session 2: Social Sciences – Communication – Amphitheatre, Petre Andrei University from Iasi
Moderator: Claudia POPESCU
1. Barry L. JACKSON, Brindusa L. DINITA | Changing Public Opinion: The Legalization of Marijuana and Other Drug Use
2. Barry L. JACKSON, Brindusa L. DINITA | Future Shock Revisited
3. Cristiana LOTREA | “How I cured myself”. A Sociological Analysis of Vocabularies of Motive, Placebo Effect, and Risk Assessment when Using Alternative Therapies
4. Sergiu SANDULEAC, Victoria PLAMADEALA, Evelina GOROBET | Preventing Loneliness in IT Employees by Developing Communication Skills
5. Claudia POPESCU | Museum Communication and Entrepreneurial Thinking
6. Dorina TICU | Communication in the Public-Administrative Space: a Comparative Study between 2013-2016
7. Adriana Florentina CALAUZ | Analysis of Risk Factors that Determine Drug Use Among Adolescents
10:00 – 11:45 – Oral Session 3: Social Sciences – Transdisciplinarity – Room 1, Petre Andrei University from Iasi
Moderator: Alexandra HUIDU
1. Veronica DUMITRASCU | Social Capital as Instrument of Social Action
2. Ana PASCU | Particular Ethnographic Museums: from Preservation of Heritage to Heritage Education
3. Ioana BOGHIAN, Liliana MATA, Roxana-Maria GHIATAU, Cosmin TOMOZEI, Simona-Elena VARLAN, Alexandra-Georgiana POENARU | Qualitative Research on the Perception of Teaching Staff in Higher Education towards Ethical Issues of Information Technology Use
4. Gabriela MARINESCU, Cristina-Maria STOICA | Graduates of Romanian Higher Education, Unemployment and Migration
5. Cristina-Maria STOICA, Gabriela MARINESCU | The Influence of Personality Traits, Cultural and Economic Factors on Entrepreneurship
6. Claudia Anamaria IOV | The Multi-level Governance of Migration and Integration in Europe Case study: The 2015-2016 refugee crisis from Germany – Is the multi-level Governance a Possible Solution?
7. Alexandra HUIDU | Deconstructing the Concept of Parentality – the Crisis of the Postmodern Family Faced with Extreme Art Techniques
8. Catalina NECULAU | The Use of Clinical Practice Stories in Identifying Dominant Speeches. Methodological Aspects
9. Susana Maria POPA | Breastfeeding in Public Places – Bawdy or Normality?
10. Secil TASTAN | The Impacts of Perceived Ethical Climate and Codes of Ethics on Employees’ Deviant Behaviors in Organizations
10:00 – 11:45 – Oral Session 4: Humanities: Philosophy & Theology – Room 2, Petre Andrei University from Iasi
Moderator: Ana FRUNZA
1. Mihai Ionut RUSEN, Pompiliu ALEXANDRU | The Bells – from Liturgical Artifact to Sculptural Installation and Social Memorial. An Interdisciplinary Survey on the Evolution of a Traditional Artifact to the Status of Social Symbol and Cultural Icon
2. Mihai Ionut RUSEN | The Book of Lomography LOMO LIFE The Future is Analogue The Story The Cameras – Expired Technology and Contemporary Experiment in Visual Arts
3. Robert-Marius MIHALACHE | Historical-Economic Aspects Pertaining to the Bishopric of Transylvania As Reflected in the Pontifical Tithe Register (1332-1337)
4. Ioan CAULEA | Ethics of Care – A New Hypostasis of Philosophical Reflection
5. Mihai FLOROAIA | Juridical and Philosophical Analysis of the Trials of the Inquisition
6. Ana FRUNZA | Respecting Human Dignity and Informed Consent in Labor and Childbirth
7. Rodica POP | About an Authentic Change. An Interdisciplinary Approach
8. Nicoleta-Mariana IFTIMIE | Parental Roles in The Portrait of a Lady: Matches and Mismatches
11:45 – 12:00 – Coffee Break
12:00 – 12:30 – Senate Hall, Petre Andrei University from Iasi
Book Release of the volume “Houses in Victorian Novels”, author Ioana Boghian, published by LUMEN Publishing House
Invited guests |
1. Lecturer PhD Ioana BOGHIAN, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau
2. Lecturer PhD Andreia-Irina SUCIU, Director of the Department of Language and foreign literature, Faculty of Letters, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau
3. Professor PhD Antonio SANDU, Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava, Romania & Director of LUMEN Publishing House
Bianca HUIDU – LUMEN Publishing House
12:30 – 13:30 – Senate Hall, Petre Andrei University from Iasi
Book Release of the volume „Statut personal si nationalitate in dreptul international privat”, author Aurora Ciuca, published by LUMEN Publishing House
Invited guests |
1. Professor PhD Aurora CIUCA, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania
2. Professor PhD Antonio SANDU – Center for Applied Ethics within Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania.
3. Lecturer PhD Rodica BOCA – Petre Andrei University of Iasi, Romania
PhD Student Alexandra HUIDU – coordinator of JURIDICA Collection, LUMEN Publishing House
12:00 – 13:30 – Amphiteatrum, Petre Andrei University from Iasi
Workshop „More than Gold – Rethinking Actions in Dual Career of Students”
Chair | Associate prof. PhD Liliana-Elisabeta RADU, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (UAIC), Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Romania
Invited Speakers |
Prof. dr. PhD Beatrice ABALASEI, Dean of Physical Education and Sport Faculty, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
Associate prof. PhD Oana Mihaela RUSU, Physical Education and Sport Faculty, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
Associate prof PhD Cristian-Mihail RUS, Physical Education and Sport Faculty, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
13:30 – 14:15 – Lunch Break
14:15 – 15:15 – Plenary Session 1 – Amphiteatrum, Petre Andrei University from Iasi
1. Professor PhD Marius DUMITRESCU, Al. I. Cuza University from Iasi, Romania | The Archetype of Revolt in John Milton’s Paradise Lost
2. Associate Professor PhD Cristian Mihail RUS, Al. I. Cuza University from Iasi, Romania | Traditional and Modern in Organizing the Didactic Process in Higher Education
15:15 – 15:30 – Coffee Break
15:30 – 17:00 – Oral Session 5: Law – Amphiteatrum, Petre Andrei University from Iasi
Moderator: Tatiana FOCSA, Mirela Carmen DOBRILA
1. Cornelia GORINCIOI, Iulian MORARU | Unfair Competition Acts in the On-Line Domain
2. Daniela LAMES | The Legal Requirements for Retrocession of Real Estate Owned or Managed by the Administrative-Territorial Units in Romania
3. Daniela LAMES | Perspectives on the Right to Establish Economic Activities within the European Community
4. Tatiana FOCSA | Authorities of the Public Administration, Authorized with Attributions in the Domain of Establishing the Child Residence in the Republic of Moldova
5. Crina Mihaela VERGA | Considerations on Legal Conflicts of a Constitutional Nature between the President and Other Authorities
6. Mirela Carmen DOBRILA | The Successional Indignity in the New Romanian Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009): Conceptual Premises and Practical Perspectives
7. Antonio SANDU | Informed Consent in GDPR and in Research on Human Subjects – A Comparative Perspective
8. Mirela Carmen DOBRILA, Bogdan Constantin NECULAU | The „School After School” National Program- Factual and Conceptual Premises. Educational and Legal Perspectives
9. Razvan VIORESCU | Processing of Personal Data in Video Surveillance
15:30 – 17:00 – Oral Session 6: Education – Room 1, Petre Andrei University from Iasi
Moderator: Ioana BOGHIAN
1. Svetlana HARAZ | The Child’s Repercussion on the Parent – Borderline Challenges
2. Ioana BOGHIAN | Empowering Teachers to Deal with Classroom Diversity
3. Vladimir GUTU, Ioana BOGHIAN | A Bidimensional Psychopedagogical Model for Tolerance Education
4. Ramona Elena ROTARU | Promoting the Development of Creativity in Education
5. Cristina Elena MORARU, Alexandru Rares PUNI, Ioan Razvan BELDIMAN | The Effects of Circuit Training on Muscle Strength and Resistance
6. Doina CROITORU, Adina GEAMBASU | What Physical Therapy Students See in a Volleyball Match?
7. Suzana Carmen CISMAS | Manipulation in Academic Environments
8. Suzana Carmen CISMAS | Widening Business Engineering Students’ Cultural Horizons
9. Suzana Carmen CISMAS | Academic Education for Conflict Resolution in Conflicting Cultures
15:30 – 17:00 – Oral Session 7: Humanities – Arts – Room 2, Petre Andrei University from Iasi
Moderator: Cristina GELAN
1. Constantin Catalin PASCARIU | Organizational Culture – the Optimization Factor of Education
2. Cristina GELAN | The Axiological Paradox of Artistic Hermeneutics
3. Ionut Alexandru PLESCAU | The Byzantine Influence in the Italian Renaissance
4. Anca GLOGOVEANU | The Historical Evolution of the Search and Rescue of Human Lives in the Event of Naval Accidents
5. Ramona NEACSA | Several Aspects Regarding Radu the Great’s Princely Council
6. Sorina CHIPER | Translation as Social Action: Translator’s Ethical Choices and Agency
17:00 – 18:00 – Room 1, Petre Andrei University from Iasi
Workshop „How Stories can Build up Good Nurses”
Chair | PhD Student Catalina Neculau, Doctoral School of Sociology, University of Oradea, Romania
17:00 – 18:00 – Amphiteatrum, Petre Andrei University from Iasi
Workshop „Practice of Obtaining Informed Consent in Research on Human Subjects”
Chairs |
PhD, Scientific Researcher III – Ana FRUNZA – LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Iasi, Romania
Prof. PhD. Antonio SANDU – Center for Applied Ethics within Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania
17:30 – 18:30 – Sala Senat, Petre Andrei University from Iasi
Workshop „Legal Education between Experience and Experiment: Educational and Legal Perspectives”
Chairs |
Mirela Carmen DOBRILA – Lecturer PhD, Faculty of Law, University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iasi, Romania
Bogdan Constantin NECULAU – Lecturer PhD, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iasi, Romania
POSTER & VIRTUAL Presentations
Daniela-Tatiana AGHEORGHIESEI, Alexandru TUGUI | Romania | Valuing the ethical dilemmas in business valuation in the North-East Region of Romania. A research-based scenarios
Carmen ALEXANDRACHE | Romania | Historical Education Like an Ideological Instrument. Romanian Textbooks during the Communist Regime
Irina APETREI | Romania | The New Legislative Framework on Domestic Violence in Romania
Simona BADER, Iasmina PETROVICI, Corina SIRB | Romania | Active citizenship and hate speech on social media in the context of Romanian Family Referendum
Nela Tatiana BALINT | Romania | The Influence of Sensory Stimuli on Improving Attention and Memory in Children
Letitia BARBUICA | Romania | New Museums as Seductive Place in the City
Stefania BEJAN | Romania | Journalism and The Resistance to Principles
Davit BIDZINASHVILI, Karlo TSERTSVADZE | Georgia | Economical Analysis of the Economical-Mathematical Model Construction Concerning the Contributing Factors of the Current Migration Processes Evidenced by the Example of the Interrelations between Georgia and the EU Countries
Victor-Alexandru BRICIU, Arabela BRICIU, Ana-Maria GULPE | Romania | An Empirical Research for Identifying and Analyzing the Identity Characteristics of Different Online Destination Websites
Valentin BUSU, Elena Cristina ANDREI | Romania | Hypnosis in Dental Medicine – Therapeutic Approach
Viorica – Torii CACIUC | Romania | Reflection of teachers’ attitude in the way of achieving ecological education
Diana CAPRITA | Romania | Packaging waste market – the road from legislation to implementation. Case study: Romania
Gabriela Elena CHELE | Romania | Early Life Stress as a Predictor of Mental Illness
Liviu Bogdan CIUCA | Romania | Ex Propriis Sensibus Versus Digital Justice
Sergiu COBANEANU, Viorel RUSU | Romania | The Correlation of Competences in Tax Area between the Local Public Administration Authorities and Other Public Administration Authorities in the Republic of Moldova
Adin Marian COJOCARU, Marilena COJOCARU | Romania | Develop Vertical Jump to Junior Volleyball Players by Plyometric Special Means
Ridvan COLAK, Aylin GOZ ISTIN, Eda AGASCIOGLU | Turkey | Examine Elite Boxers’ Peak Powers of Bench Press in Respect of Peak Power’s Repetitions
Gabriela CRISTEA, Ionut-Constantin MANOLE | Romania | Informatic Foundations of Training Theory
Marius Constantin CUCU, Oana Elena LENTA | Romania | The Symbol, the Sign and the Secret in the Ecstatic Language of the Zohar
Carmen Marinela CUMPAT, Vladimir POROCH, Daniela-Tatiana AGHEORGHIESEI | Romania | “Our Managerial Decisions in the First Line”. Particularities and steps in the decision-making process in the Romanian hospitals
Anisoara DIACONU | Romania | Challenges for labor in the fourth industrial revolution
Anca Otilia DODESCU, Elena Aurelia BOTEZAT, Ioana Crina POP COHUT, Afrodita BORMA | Romania | Antecedents, Experiences and Entrepreneurial Intentions among Economics Students
Catalin George FEDOR | Romania | Return to Social Capital
Catalin George FEDOR | Romania | Return to Symbolic Capital
Catalin George FEDOR | Romania | Return to Cultural Capital
Catalin George FEDOR | Romania | Return to Social Distance in Inter-ethnic Relations
Ionut Adrian GHIBANU | Romania | Ethics and Truth in the Organization’s Leadership
Iuliana Mirela GLOGOVEANU | Romania | Evolution of the Naval Radio-telecommunications in the Dobrogean Space
Simona GRADINARU, Anamaria ALDEA, Levida BESIR, Alexandru COSER | Romania | A Non-Parametric Efficiency Perspective on the Research-Active European Universities Performance
Tamar GOGOLADZE, Ketevan BARBAKADZE | Georgia | Tradition – Innovation in the Lyrics of Besik Gabashvili, a Georgian Poet of the Renaissance Period
Iulia GON?A, Aurelia BULGAC | Romania | The Adaptation of Students to the Academic Environment in College
Anca GRECULESCU, Liliana-Luminita TODORESCU | Romania | Bridging the Gap Between The Real and The Ideal English Teacher in Romanian Technical Higher Education
Carmen GRIGOROIU, Teodora WESSELLY | Romania | Study on the Development of the Trunk Stabilizing Muscle Strength in Young Groups of Juniors in Rhythmic Gymnastics
Mihaela HARMANESCU, Andreea POPA (NECSULESCU) | Romania | Valuation of Cultural Landscape through Tourism – Disadvantages and Benefits
Liliana HINCU | Romania | Promotion of the Bucovina tourist destination
Maria-Laura HOREANU | Romania | Initial Construction and Validation of Parental Role Assuming Scale (PRA)
Aleksandra KEKKONEN (Estonia), Eugene PITUKHIN (Russian Federation) | The model of extended reproduction of human capital in Russian regions (the example of Karelia Republic)
Khalid Mumtaz KHAN | Pakistan | The Gendered Challenges of Transition from Education to Work
Jani KINNUNEN (Finland), Irina GEORGESCU (Romania) | Well-being and Economic Freedoms in OECD
Marzena Sylwia KRUK | Poland | The concept sustainable development towards the migration processes and labor market in UE countries
Andrea LESKOVA, Patrik LENGHART | Slovakia | Religiosity in the dynamics of contemporary media world
Vasile Sorin MANEA | Romania | An Urban Perspective of Communist Civic Center Evolution. Case Study: Vaslui and Braila
Racheli MEZAN, Lea TAMIR | Israel | Leading by Kindness in a Humanitarian Aid Mission – Lessons Learned from the Israeli Delegation to Cebu 2013
Simona MINA | Romania | Labor Market Dynamics in the Maritime Industry. Sea Agglomerations
Liliana MIREA (PAVEL) | Romania | Nihilism and Impasse of Reason
Cristina MOCANU | Romania | Determinants of successful school-to-work transition among Romanian VET graduates
Cristina MOCANU, Ana-Maria ZAMFIR, Monica Mihaela MAER MATEI | Romania | Factors Influencing the Decision of Going Back to School
Juan Salvador NAMBO DE LOS SANTOS | Mexico | Learning from Violence: Middle School Principals Facing School Safety Programs
Irina ONEA | Romania | Fitness Clubs Revolution and Online Communication
Casen PANAITESCU | Romania | Improve Wastewater Treatment Methods from Brewing Industry
Casen PANAITESCU | Romania | Addressing the Acceptance of Students ‘Studies in Other Countries in the Context of National Policies and Security Strategies
Casen PANAITESCU | Romania | The Possibility 0f Meeting University Studies By Migrants
Iasmina PETROVICI | Romania | Aspects of motivation through non-verbal communication in the medical field
Vladimir POROCH, Daniela-Tatiana AGHEORGHIESEI, Carmen CUMP?T | Romania | The Mirror of Ethics Management in Romanian Hospitals. The Perception and Opinion of Managerial Employees
Teodora PRELIPCEAN | Romania | The Art of Leading between Management and Leadership
Adrian PRICOP | Romania | Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of the Means of Strengthening the Technical Element – shooting with the laces Finalization
Dana RAD, Tiberiu DUGHI, Edgar DEMETER, Gavril RAD | Romania | The Dynamic Relationship between Humor and Benevolence as Values
Catalina-Ionela REZEANU | Romania | Using Social Media to Understand the Complex Identity of a Touristic City
Anda Anca RODIDEAL | Romania | Causes-solution tree: parents are the main actors expected to mediate children online activities
Viorel ROTILA | Romania | Religion Could Be a Necessary Condition for the Emergence and Initial Evolution of Knowledge; Some Explanatory Assumptions
Viorel ROTILA | Romania | A Perspective on the Future of Labor Relations; Case Studies: Cyber(trade)unions and Online Protests
Claudia SALCEANU | Romania | The Evolution of Human Values – A Comparative Study of Values in Adolescents and Emerging Adults
Ana Rodica STAICULESCU, Anamaria Lucretia MOLCUTESCU | Romania | Understanding Cultural and Behavioural Factors in the Mediation Process
Viorela Georgiana STINGA, Ana Cornelia OLTEANU | Romania | Economic analysis regarding the particularities of a bulk terminal in the Port of Constanta
Mihaela TOMAZIU-TODOSIA | Romania | The Importance of Public Health Policies in the Social – Economic Development of Romania
Alexandru TUGUI, Daniela-Tatiana AGHEORGHIESEI, Laura ASANDULUI | Romania | The Importance of Ethics in the Professional Activity of the Authorized Business Valuers in Romania
Dan VASILIU | Romania | Rosenberg’s Questionnaire for Self-esteem Evaluation. Psychometric Considerations. Recalibration
Ana-Maria ZAMFIR, Liliana GRECU | Romania | New Skills for Green Jobs. Exploring Green Skills Formation in Romania
Ana-Maria ZAMFIR, Liliana GRECU | Romania | Social impact of work-based learning