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Keynote Speakers


Professor PhD. Department of Bioethics of Case Western Reserve University (Ohio, USA)

Sana Loue is a professor in the Department of Bioethics of Case Western Reserve University, with secondary appointments in the Departments of Psychiatry, Global Health, and Epidemiology and Biostatistics and at the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, the school of social work.   Dr. Loue also serves as the Vice Dean for Faculty Development and Diversity.  Dr. Loue’s research interests include HIV risk and prevention, severe mental illness, family violence, research ethics, and forensic epidemiology.  She is a licensed independent social worker with a focus on young adults with serious chronic mental illness.  She is also ordained as an interfaith minister.  Dr. Loue has been directing a training program in international research ethics in Romania in collaboration with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa” in Iasi since 2000 and has been conducting training and research in Romania since 1996.



PhD Professor – Faculty of Philosophy and Political Sciences, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi (Romania)

PhD Professor graduated from the Institute of Architecture (Bucharest) and from the Faculty of Philosophy (Iasi), Philosophical Doctor (specialization: logic & semiotics). He is a currently full professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Sciences, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, where he teaches semiotics and its application, the philosophy of creation, etc. and coordinates doctoral papers in the field of semiotics and creatology.  He is a senior scientific researcher (at National Inventics Institute, in Iasi, the President of AROSS (Romanian Association for Semiotic Studies), president of “Stefan Odobleja” Foundation, a Vice-president of ANATECOR, associated professor at AKAMAI Univerity (USA), a member of about 10 international scientific and professional associations. He sustained over 250 scientific (inter)national meetings, he has (co)authored 30 books and has received over 25 awards, medals and excellence diplomas for his research, books and inventions.

Mariella Mercedes Herold_LUMEN_TCA_2014


Associate Professor at Northern Arizona University (Arizona, USA)  

Dr. Mariella Espinoza-Herold is an Associate Professor at Northern Arizona University where she works on language development and literacy development of learners of English as an additional language. Her research focus also examines best educational practices for culturally-and linguistically diverse students including native, Americans, immigrant and refugees. Northern Arizona University (NAU) has received a national award– five consecutive times– as a higher education institution in the United States that serves the largest numbers of culturally-diverse students. Dr. Herold’ work greatly adds to the body of knowledge of her institution. She has been the recipient of two Fulbright Fellowships that have taken her to observe educational programs in Japan, China, Australia and Central and South America, She is the author of two books and a number of articles.