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Scop si tematici RSACV2015


Editia a 6 – a a Conferintei stiintifice Internationale LUMEN este o manifestare cu caracter multidisciplinar, al carui obiectiv general este promovarea excelentei stiintifice, incurajand cercetarile originale.

Cu aceasta editie dorim sa aducem in dezbatere dimensiunile actuale ale actiunii sociale, intr-un context global si multicultural. Actiunea sociala sufera o mutatie paradigmatica prin interactiunea sa cu actiunea comunicativa, atat inter-individuale si comunicarea de masa fiind motorul principal al actiune sociala.

Astazi, mai mult ca oricand, actiunea sociala este transferata in mediul virtual. Invitam cercetatorii in orice domeniu pentru a contribui la contructia unei noi paradigme a actiunii sociale, raportata la valorile fundamentale ale societatii contemporane.

Sunt asteptate lucrari in domeniul stiintelor umaniste si sociale, fara a fi stabilita o granita disciplinara. De asemenea sunt asteptate lucrari in domenii de interes si nu numai, fiind incurajate abordarile transdisciplinare, care depasesc clivajul existent dintre teorie si empiric.

  • Social Work

Social work profession
Social work practice – participation and sustainability
Social work response to migration
Social work counseling
Strengths based social work
Social work and appreciative inquiry
Supervision of social practices
Professional ethics and social sciences
Ethics in social work practice
Human development
Social work and human rights
Phenomenological approach of the social
Identity, image and social cohesion
Deviance and social control
Elderly social work
Social entrepreneurship
Social inclusion of people with disabilities
Social marketing
Probation practices in contemporary world

  • Sociology

Collective behavior and social movements
Corporative social responsibility
Social security and public health
Sociology of marriage and family
Sociology of minorities
Sociology of population and migration
Sociology of religion
Sustainable social development
Political sociology and law issues

  • Methodology

Qualitative and quantitative research methods
Social sciences epistemology
Social semiotic

  • Psychology and Educational Sciences

International social development and education
Problem solving and decision making
Psychology of culture
Environmental philosophy
Social psychology

  • Political and European Studies

Political behavior and organization
Political philosophy
Social political movements
European studies

  • Law

Public Law (criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, constitutional Law, administrative Law, financial Law, banking Law, Public International Law)
Private Law (civil law, Civil procedure law, commercial Law, labor Law, family law, Intellectual property law, Private International Law, International trade law)

  • Communication

Social media
Media ethics
Organizational communication
Language, reading and communication
Business ethics
Business communication

  • Management

Business performance management
Communications management
Information technology management
Management of human resources
Marketing research
Strengths based management
Stress management
Supply change management
Migration of human resources

  • Applied Philosophy

Social philosophy
Research ethics
Philosophical counselling

  • Anthropology

Ethnic relations, human rights and collective good
Gender and human rights
Human rights and social equality