19th LUMEN International Scientific Conference


Dr. Peter Kiriakidis, PhD has expertise in higher education educational leadership: (a) chairing comprehensive examinations and dissertation committees; (b) developing curriculum and academic programs; and (c) teaching graduate courses in research, educational leadership in higher education, educational and information technology, online technology, e-commerce, software development, and information systems. Peter is a reviewer of nullmany academic journals. He has presented a plethora of research studies nationally and internationally. Email: KiriakidisPeter@yahoo.com.


International expert in Business, E-Commerce and CRM 

Navid Mollaee is an international expert in Business, E-Commerce and CRM. He has done several researches and publications in different fields of Strategic Management, Organizational Behavior, Business training, Benchmarking and Business Ethics.

His background includes six years of teaching and administrative work in different schools and institutes in Iran. Navid Mollaee holds MBA in strategic management and currently is teaching at executive, MBA, postgraduate and undergraduate level. He is also co-founder and chairman at First Eurasia E-commerce Co. a leading company in E-commerce.

Navid Mollaee  is an International keynote speaker with valuable experiences in working with more than 20 international conferences as scientific committee member, reviewer and chairperson. He serves as editorial board and reviewer of over 10 international journals like American Journal of Industrial and Business Management and Journal of Management Development.

Rina Manuela CONTINI
PhD in Social Sciences: Theories, Applications and Actions – University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy.

Rina Manuela Contini is a PhD in Social Sciences: Theories, Applications and Actions in the Department of Literature, Arts and Social Sciences – DiLASS – University of Chieti-Pescara – Italy, member of the European Sociological Association (ESA) RN35 Sociology of Migration and RN27 Regional Network on Southern European Society, member of the scientific research group “Fuzzy decisional model, algebric hiperstructures and applications for Social Sciences” at DiLASS, University of Chieti-Pescara. Her main academic interests are: Migration processes; “New generations” of immigrants in multi-ethnic society and school; Intercultural integration and education; Methodology of social sciences and the application of the paradigm of dynamic complex systems to the sociological analysis through the methodological proposal of E. Morin; Formalization of statistical and mathematical models for sociological analysis, particularly application of arithmetic and logic fuzzy and AHP Procedure (Analytic Hierarchy Process) to the study of complex social phenomena.
Rina Manuela Contini is author of over 20 peer reviewed papers in Italian and International Journals and books.
Rina Manuela Contini is an International speaker with experience in working in more than 20 Italian and international Conferences as speaker and chairperson. Particularly she has lectured at Conferences in: University of Pittsburgh – Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business; Royal Holloway University of London; Universite De Geneve – Faculte des Sciences economiques et Sociales; Universität der Bundeswehr München – Germany; University of Siegen – Germany; Bahcesehir University of Istanbul; University of Salerno – Italy; University of Bari – Italy; University of Chieti-Pescara – Italy.


Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Informatics and Management of University of Hradec Kralove

Lukas Valek completed his bachelor´s degree in financial management in 2006 at University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic and master´s degree in corporate finance and business in 2009 at Brno University of technology, Czech Republic. He passed through many job assignments from manual work through customer care to volunteering. Voluntary work gave him new way of perspective and he became leader of voluntary projects and later trainer in the field of voluntary activities and non-formal education. In 2010 took part in 9 months long project of European Voluntary Service in Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia on Czech consulate and supporting local voluntary activities. He got established in non-profit sphere by becoming a member of the board of mid-sized NGO (non-profit, non-governmental organization) INEX-SDA in Prague which resulted in foundation of own NGO called KURO Hradec Kralove in town of Hradec Kralove in Czech Republic which is focused on promotion of volunteering as a real life and working experience and organization of cultural events.
At the present time, aside of running of the NGO, he is working on his Ph.D. thesis on Faculty of informatics and management of University of Hradec Kralove, which deals with phenomena called time banking, a community exchange and social system of a “time currency”. Economic education along with rich experiences from the NGO sphere gives him ability to look critically on both fields and try to get the best out of them at the same time. In the past aside of the Czech Republic he lived in Greece, Russia, UK and Ireland.

Prof.  Wojciech J. CYNARSKI, Ph.D.

University of Rzeszow, Faculty of Physical Education

Wojciech Jan Cynarski Ph.D. is a Professor at Rzeszów University, and Head of the Chair of Humanistic Sciences in the Faculty of Physical Education (Rzeszów, Poland). He has a Master’s degrees in sociology and technical sciences, he has carried out post-graduate studies in pedagogy, and doctorate and qualifications (habilitation) in sciences of physical culture (J. Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw). He has been the founder and President (since 1993) of the Id?kan Poland Association and the editor-in-chief (since 2000) of the Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology.

Deputy Dean of the Faculty for Science and International Relations (2012-2016). He is a doctor habilitated of physical culture sciences and sociologist of culture and sport, researcher and master-teacher of Budo. Supervisor for Doctoral Studies. He promoted few doctors in physical culture sciences. His major scientific interests concern martial arts, sociology (of culture, tourism and sport) and pedagogy (of sport and physical education).    



Associate Professor, Department of culturology, philosophy and ethnology, Pyatigorsk state linguistic University.
9 Kalinin st., Pyatigorsk, Russia.

Yury Shaev spheres of interests are philosophy of the sign, philosophical hermeneutics, and the newest aesthetics. He is actively developing a philosophical direction «philosophy of the sign in the virtual space», the newest analytical philosophy. He had participated in different multidisciplinary projects: ethnosemiotocs, lingvocultural, linguistic and cognitive.
He is Ph.D. in Philosophy, at Volgograd State University, 2009. In the present he is associate professor at the Department of culturology, philosophy and ethnology within Pyatigorsk state Linguistic University. He teaches courses of philosophy, logic and theory of argumentation and logic.
Yury Shaev conducted research teams and received research grants as «The research of sign and sense in the virtual discourse », 2012-2014 and «Lingvosemiotic analysis of discourse of computer games (in Spanish, English and Russian languages), 2013-2015
Between 2007 and 2012 he published numerous scientific papers in hermeneutics, ontology, semiotic of sense in virtual space and modern information technologies.


PhD International and Intercultural Studies of Deusto University

Oxana Soimu has a PhD degree in International and Intercultural Studies of Deusto University, with European Mention. Her main research interests are European Neighbourhood Policy and Security Studies emphasizing the economic aspects. In her recent publication, the comparative study was performed on Eastern and Southern Mediterranean ENP partners, discussing main economic security issues. The carried out analysis looks for finding main economic risks and vulnerabilities that could affect the EU- Neighbourhood partnership and economic incertitude for further foreign policy developments and cooperation. For this reason, she performs the analysis in a comparative way between Eastern and Southern Mediterranean ENP Partners under mixed research methods.


Principal Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Universidad de Piura, Peru

He is Director of IPMA Certification Body in Peru (OCIP). This entity certifies competences in Project Management with the focus of the International Project Management Association (IPMA). Also, he is first assessor for the certification body of the project management in Peru.

He is PhD in Project Management with a specialization in project planning and management for sustainable rural development. Master of Engineering with specialization in rural development projects, Polytechnic University of Madrid. Master in Education with a major in educational theory and practice from Universidad de Piura.

His main specialties are: planning and government of institutions and non-profit organizations, research and academic organization in universities and higher education establishments.


Professor PhD. Department of Bioethics of Case Western Reserve University

Sana Loue is a professor in the Department of Bioethics of Case Western Reserve University, with secondary appointments in the Departments of Psychiatry, Global Health, and Epidemiology and Biostatistics and at the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, the school of social work.   Dr. Loue also serves as the Vice Dean for Faculty Development and Diversity.  Dr. Loue’s research interests include HIV risk and prevention, severe mental illness, family violence, research ethics, and forensic epidemiology.  She is a licensed independent social worker with a focus on young adults with serious chronic mental illness.  She is also ordained as an interfaith minister.  Dr. Loue has been directing a training program in international research ethics in Romania in collaboration with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa” in Iasi since 2000 and has been conducting training and research in Romania since 1996.



Ph.D. DSc Prof. (1996), Head of philosophy department, Kazan State Power Engineering University, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia. 

Ph.D. (1979), DSc (ontology and theory of knowledge, 1994), Prof. (1996), head of philosophy department, Kazan State Power Engineering University, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia. Forty years teaching graduate and postgraduate courses in philosophy, semiotics, history and philosophy of science. Honored personality of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.Experience in working in many Russian and International Conferences (XXII and XXXIII World Congresses of philosophy; IX Congress of ISUD, etc.) as speaker and chairperson.
Fields of scientific interest: theory of knowledge, semiotics, history of philosophy, philosophy of language, philosophy of science.
Monographs – “Questions symbolizing modern knowledge” (1984), “Philosophical questions of semiotics” (1993; 2003; 2014); “Theory of communication with elements of semiotics” (2006); “Essays on the new theory of knowledge” (in 4 vols, 2009-2012); “Theory of Cognition: Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso” (2013); “Theory of Cognition: Collection of Papers” (2014). All in Russian. More than 100 articles in different Journals, mainly Russian.
Under the guidance of prof. E.A. Taysina 17 Ph.D. theses and three DSc theses have been defended.

Stanciulescu_Traian_LUMEN2014 Traian D. STANCIULESCU

PhD Professor – Faculty of Philosophy and Political Sciences, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi (Romania)

PhD Professor graduated from the Institute of Architecture (Bucharest) and from the Faculty of Philosophy (Iasi), Philosophical Doctor (specialization: logic & semiotics). He is a currently full professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Sciences, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, where he teaches semiotics and its application, the philosophy of creation, etc. and coordinates doctoral papers in the field of semiotics and creatology.  He is a senior scientific researcher (at National Inventics Institute, in Iasi, the President of AROSS (Romanian Association for Semiotic Studies), president of “Stefan Odobleja” Foundation, a Vice-president of ANATECOR, associated professor at AKAMAI Univerity (USA), a member of about 10 international scientific and professional associations. He sustained over 250 scientific (inter)national meetings, he has (co)authored 30 books and has received over 25 awards, medals and excellence diplomas for his research, books and inventions.