LUMEN Conference Center and Lumen Research Center for Social and Humanistic Sciences is proud to announce the collaboration with the “Society for Psychology” Association, who is organizing the
SCIRP 2014 – Interdisciplinary SPP Conference
10th – 13thof April, in Iasi, Romania
Have you ever been interested about a certain problem? Have you ever wanted to discover something or to examine in detail a particular fact? Do a RESEARCH and we will REWARD you!
We invite you at workshops from the psychological domain (Building therapeutic metaphor, Finding your Strengths, Psychology of the Traffic Participants,, Gender Differences, The Happiness Metaphor, Understanding the Student`s Emotions, Communication and Evaluation, Montessori Educational Method, Appreciative Etics), oral presentations, scientific posters and videos , the tour of the city (Museums, Botanical Gardens, Palace, Park Copou) cocktail with and hours of folk music with Adrian BEZNA, Andrei MAFTEI, Cezar POPESCU, Paul ARVA at Phoenix Coffe Tea Spices.
We will have by our side teachers, trainers and top researchers: Professor PhD Ion DAFINOIU, Asist. Dr. Cornelia M?IREAN, Asist. Dr. Irina CRUMPEI, Asist. Dr. Livia OSTAFE, Psihotherapist Dr. Tudor-?tefan ROTARU, career counsellor Irina ?UBREDU, researcher Alexandra GHEORGHIU, Professor PhD Antonio Sandu, Crina PENTELEYCHUK Trainer, Lecturer PhD Mihai MARIAN.
This conference is addresse to: undergraduates, master , Ph.D.students or former sudents who graduated two years ago. We invite you to join us on the road of progress. Research means knowledge and knowledge means success. You can be a man who has something to say about scientific research and development of interdisciplinary domain.
You can participate with or without a scientific paper, regardless the field of expertise as long as you have an affinity or you are interested in the psychological side of things. Deadline for registration: April 5, 2014, at 23: 59.
Participants that will register with a friend/ colleague will get reduced fees. Click HERE for more details
Best regards,
Organization Committee of SCIRP 2014 Conference