19th LUMEN International Scientific Conference


PROGRAM of the 11th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society  | CATES 2018 | 23-24 November 2018 | Targoviste, Romania

Friday, November 23rd

Registration Desk
Opening Ceremony

ROOM | Oxford

1. Associate Professor PhD Laura Monica GORGHIU – Vice Rector of Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania.

2. Associate Professor PhD Tomita CIULEI – Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Letters and Communication, Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania.

3. Professor PhD Antonio SANDU – President of LUMEN Association, Iasi, Romania.

Plenary Session 1

Chair:  Prof. PhD. Antonio SANDU (Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava)

ROOM | Oxford

Presentations |

1. Professor PhD Eric GILDER (presenting author) – The Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Papua New Guinea | Intriguing Challenges of Crime in Lae: Developing an Integrated and Collaborative Approach to Create a More Just, Safe, and Secure Urban Space

Co-authors: Garry SALI – Associate Professor and Head of Department of Communication and Development Studies, PNGUoT, Lae, Papua New Guinea.

2. Professor PhD Barry L. JACKSON, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, United States of America | Post Suicide: a Model for Recovery

3. PhD Student Alexandra HUIDU (presenting author) – Doctoral School of Sociology, University of Oradea, Romania | Techniques Related to Human Medically-Assisted Reproduction. Awareness and Communicative Action

Co-authors: Professor PhD Antonio SANDU – Center for Applied Ethics within Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava, Romania

12:00 – 12:15
Coffee break
Plenary Session 2

Chair:  Prof. PhD. Antonio SANDU (Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava)

ROOM | Oxford

Presentations |

1. Professor PhD Nadia Cerasela ANITEI, University ”Dunarea de Jos” of  Galati, Romania | How do We Primarily Qualify the Notion of “Marriage” in Romanian Private International Law?

2. Associate Professor PhD Camelia IGNATESCU – Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava, Romania | title reserved

3. Associated Professor PhD Iulian APOSTU – Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest, Romania | Conceptual Referendum – Socio-Legal Aspects and Social Consequences

13:15 – 14:00  
Book Release for the Volume “Hai sa le aratam cum se face!”, author Alexandra HUIDU

ROOM | Oxford

Invited speakers |

1. Professor PhD Antonio SANDU – President of LUMEN Association, Iasi, Romania.

2. Associated Professor PhD Iulian APOSTU – Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest, Romania.

3. Associate Professor PhD Tomita CIULEI – Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Letters and Communication, Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania.

Lunch break
Book Release for the Volume “Pascal. Doctrina figurilor imaginatiei”, authors Gerard Bras & Jean Pierre Clero, published by LUMEN Publishing House

ROOM | Oxford

Invited speakers |

1. Professor PhD Antonio SANDU – President of LUMEN Association, Iasi, Romania.

2. Lecturer PhD Daniel COJANU – Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania.

3. Lecturer PhD Pompiliu ALEXANDRU – Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania.

Oral Session 1

ROOM | B101

 Moderator: Gica PEHOIU

 Presentations |

1. Cristian Stefan LIUSNEA | Consideration of the Role of Fitness Exercises in Prevention and Treatment Strategy for Obesity at Children

2. Mihaela Denisia LIUSNEA | Between Traditional and Modern in the Space from the Danube, in the First Half of the 20th Century Case Study: The Contribution of the Gheorghe Fernic Family to the Modernization of Galati

3. Gica PEHOIU | The Role of Didactic Game in Optimizing Geographic Activities in the Primary Education

4. Gica PEHOIU | Environmental Education and Sustainable Development in Primary Education

5. Antonio SANDU, Simona DAMIAN | Sociological Considerations on Professionalization and Institutionalization of Health Care

6. Florentina TONITA, Roxana BEJAN-MURESAN, Adrian CINPEANU | Romania | Ethical Challenges in Sport Psychology Practice Settings

7. Ciprian Gabriel OROS, Horia MOASA | The Theory of Discourse – Third Generation

8. Horia MOASA | Family Business Identity as a Source of Performance, Efficiency and Competitive Advantage

9. Marius ANDREESCU | From Legal Liberties to Ontological Freedom

Oral Session 2

ROOM | B110

Moderators: Adrian TOSCA, Irina MISOC

Presentations |

1. Irina MISOC | Direct Research on the Peformance Assessment Methods Used in Romanian Travel Agencies to Evaluate the Travel Agents’ Performance

2. Ioana Raluca GOLDBACH, Alina BIDIREANU, Marilena CONSTANTINESCU, Izabela Florina BARBU | A New Approach to Management of Vocational and Technical Education

3. Adrian TOSCA, Catalin IONITA, Dan Florin STANESCU, Alina STANCIU | Innovative Solutions for Online Recruitment – Gamified Assessment

4. Veronica DUMITRASCU | The Impact of Online Communication in Creating Virtual Identities

5. Cristina Claudia POPESCU | Framing and Interpretation of Architectural Education

6. Maria MANDEA | Digital Post-processing on Scale Models – A Tool in Design Education

7. Ioana Raluca PREDOI | A Rethinking of Corporate Reputation Management in the New Digital Context

8. Loredana PETRISOR | The Philosophy of Education – the Theory of the Cultural Foundations of the Educational Act

Oral Session 3

ROOM | B104

Moderator: Carmen ALEXANDRACHE

 Presentations |

1. Razvan CLONDIR, Marius Catalin HODEA | Between Realities, Art Gesture by Technology

2. Scott EASTMAN | Towards a Clearer Future

3. Carmen ALEXANDRACHE | Using the Visual Sources in the Historical Research – Ethical and Deontological Aspects

4. Marian-Alin DUDOI, Elena-Sidonia DUDOI, Marin DUDOI | The School Museum: A New Philosophy Of Education

5. Adina MARINESCU | Ethics Excelence in Grace Medicine

6. Adina MARINESCU, Simona GHEORGHIU | The Control of Ethics in Military Medical Practice

7. Ana-Maria GOLDAN | The Concept of „Common Good” in the Thinking of the Ancient Philosophers, Plato and Aristotle

8. Vasile-Lucian GOLDAN | Developing the Concept of „Good” in Philosophical Thinking of the Theologian Toma d’Aquino

9. Daniela JEDER | The Ethical Dimension of Educational


Saturday, November 24th

Philosophical Cafe with Loredana VLAD | But why? Do we Want to Become Posthuman?

ROOM | B101

Coordinator |

1. PhD. Candidate Loredana VLAD – Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania

Workshop 1 | Ethics in Scientific Publication

ROOM | B101

Coordinator | Professor PhD Antonio SANDU – Center for Applied Ethics within Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava, Romania


Workshop in cadrul proiectului “Etica si integritate academica de exceptie in cercetarea stiintifica si actul didactic”, implementator: Universitatea Stefan cel Mare din Suceava, cu sprijin financiar din partea FDI2018, Domeniul 5, Imbunatatirea calitatii activitatii didactice, inclusiv a respectarii deontologiei si eticii academice. Cod proiect: CNFIS-FDI-2018-0545.

Workshop 2 | Presenting LUMEN Journals in the Field of Postmodern Studies (Postmodern Openings Journal – a Web of Science indexed journal)

ROOM | B101

Speakers |

1. PhD. Student Alexandra HUIDU – Doctoral School of Sociology, University of Oradea; Editor at LUMEN Publishing House, Romania.

2. PhD. Ana FRUNZA – Editor at LUMEN Publishing House, Romania.

International Workshop 3 | Integration through Research. The Contribution of LUMEN Publishing to the Internationalization of the Romanian Research Field

ROOM | B110

Speakers |

1. Agbolade OMOWOLE (United States of America) | Physical, Digital and Spiritual Immortality

2. Ibraheem Mikail ABIOLA (Malaysia) | The Housing and Urban Fringe of Ibadan Nigeria, Historical Contemporary Relevance

3. Serghei SPRINCEAN (Republic of Moldova) | Human Security and Bioethics as Fundamental Components of the Contemporary Philosophy of Survival

4. Ufuk BAKAN, Ugur BAKAN, Turgay HAN (Turkey) – Understanding the Usage Characteristics of Twitter in the UK Universities: A Social Network Analysis (SNA) Approach

5. Renat APKIN (Russian Federation) – Ensuring Radon Safety as an Important Environmental Problem

POSTER Presentations

ROOM | B104


1. Mihaela Meral AHMED | Romania | Identity and Vulnerability: Déjà-vu

2. Ecaterina AMELICICHIN, Natalia PUTIN | Republic of Moldova | The Social Marketing Approach of the Higher Education Institution of Physical Education and Sport Based on Image


3. Simona BADER, Corina SIRB | Romania | Romanian Online Media Towards a Fight Paradigm: a Qualitative Analysis

4. Cristina BALACEANU, Daniela PENU, Mirela DOGARU | Romania | The Impact of Unsustainable Economic Activity on Climate Change

5. Stefania BEJAN | Romania | Trends in Journalism – Professional Ethics as a Beautiful Theory

6. Andreea Anisoara BONDAR | Romania | Does a “New Vision” of Humanity Exist?

7. Andreea Anisoara BONDAR, Olivia MACOVEI | Romania | Ethical Perspectives in the Information Society

8. Victoria BULICANU | Republic of Moldova | The Conflict of Interests. Manifestations in Journalism


9. Diana CAPRITA, Larisa Delia MIHALCIOIU, Raluca Alexandra NECULA | Romania | Romanian Organic Products – Vector of Sustainable Development

10. Viorica CALUGHER, Victoria CIRES | Republic of Moldova | Education through Intercultural Values of Future Specialists in the Field of Physical Education and Sport

11. Ioan CAULEA | Romania | The Pluralist Approach as an Ethics Foundation Test

12. Viorica-Torii CACIUC | Romania | Perspectives on Assessment Deontology of Teachers

13. Viorica-Torii CACIUC | Romania | Curricular Perspectives to Achieve Ecological Education

14. Lavinia Andreea CODREA | Romania | Pogge vs. Rawls on the Concept of Responsibility in the Theories of Global Justice

15. Gabriela CRISTEA | Romania | The Epistemological Model of Pedagogy, Promoted by Stefan Bârsanescu

16. Alina Ionela CUCUI | Romania | Study on Motric Activity in the Life of Children with Disabilities

17. Vedat CINAR, Yahya POLAT, Taner AKBULUT, Laurentiu-Gabriel TALAGHIR, Cristian Mihail RUS, Kerimhan KAYNAK, ?rfan MARANGOZ | Romania & Turkey | Examination on the Effect of Swimming Exercises Applied with Co Enzyme Q10 and Zinc Supplementation on the Ast-Alt Metabolism in Young Athletes

18. Marius CUCU | Romania | The Limits of Ethics in the Version of the Cioranian Nihilism


19. Vasile DOGARU | Romania | A Large Potential Comparative Advantage for EU Trade – Some Calculus With Stylized Facts


20. Cristina ENACHE, Iulia FLOROIU | Romania | Selfie-fying the Landscape. Space Awareness through Social Media


21. Claudia FRATILA | Romania | The Values and the Social Status of Social Assistance

22. Catalin-George FEDOR | Romania | Rethinking the Boundaries between Sciences

23. Mihai FLOROAIA | Romania | Juridical and Philosophical Analysis of the Trials of the Inquisition

24. Tatiana FOCSA | Republic of Moldova | Scientific Approach of the Involvement of Public Administration Authorities in the Process of Establishing the Child’s Residence in the Republic of Moldova


25. Adina GEAMBASU | Romania | Study on Static Coordination in Visually Impaired Children

26. Victoria GONTA, Cristina BALACEANU, Violeta RADULESCU, Aliona LISII | Republic of Moldova | Economic Premise of Well-Being. A Plea for Economic Education and the Feminist Economy

27. Victoria GONTA, Carolina PERJAN, Sergiu SANDULEAC | Republic of Moldova | Explanatory Models of family aggressor behavior and specific methods of psychotherapeutic intervention

28. Zenaida GRIBINCEA | Republic of Moldova | title reserved


29. Svetlana HARAZ | Republic of Moldova | Psychosocial Problems That Lead To The Social Exclusion Of Families Caring For A Child With Disabilities


30. Marina ISRAFILOV | Republic of Moldova | The Identification Of Factors That Influence The Capacity Of Social-Professional Inclusion Of People With Mental Health Disorders


31. Marzena Sylwia KRUK | Poland | Foreign Students Migration from The Eastern Partnership Countries


32. Liliana-Olivia LUCACIU | Romania | Reducing Regional Disparities: SME’s Support Funding Distribution and Effects in the Regions


33. Ionut-Constantin MANOLE | Romania | Communicative Act – Feedback

34. Ioan MICLEA, Camelia CMECIU | Romania | Ethical Challenges beyond the Framing of Product Recall. Case Study: Egg Contamination Scandal in Romania

35. Simona MIHAIU | Romania | Causes of Violating Prisoners? Right to a Decent Life. Romania in the European Context

36. Nela MIRCICA | Romania | The Human Condition in a Phenomenological View


37. Aslanbek NAZIEV | Russian Federation | title reserved

38. Polixenia NISTOR | Romania | Ethical Criteriology in Orthodox Psychotherapy

39. Polixenia NISTOR | Romania | Philosophical and Epistemological Milestones on the Interdependence of Depression-Suicidal Ideation


40. Ana Cornelia OLTEANU, Viorela Georgiana STINGA | Romania | The Economic Impact Of The Blue Economy


41. Iuliana MIREA PAVEL | Romania | Existentialism in Nowadays Society

42. Ancuta PIRVAN | Romania | The Importance of Volunteer Activities for Students from Physical Education and Sports-Kinetotherapy

43. Ancuta PIRVAN | Romania | Conceptual Delimitation of Aquatic Education and Swimming for Children

44. Marian PISLARIU | Romania | A New Dimension of Parentality: Transnational Parentality

45. Marian PISLARIU | Romania | The Construction of Resilience by the Children and the Romanian Parents Affected by the Migration

46. Andreea POPA, Cristina ENACHE | Romania | Decoding the Urban Landscape

47. Anca Raluca PURCARU | Romania | Logical Errors in Boycotting The Family Referendum of 2018 in Romania


48. Dana RAD, Gavril RAD | Romania |  Youth Self-Esteem Relation with Upstander Behavior in Cyberbullying

49. Ecaterina RAICU | Republic of Moldova | Influence of International Conventions on National Equality Jurisprudence

50. Tudorita RABIGAN, Dana STANA | Romania | Theoretical Aspects on Globalization Philosophy

51. Catalina-Ionela REZEANU | Romania | The Phenomenological Approach to Urban, Residential, and Domestic Space

52. Oxana ROTARU | Romania | The Role and Place of Women in Educating a Healthy Moral-Spiritual Generation

53. Paraschiva Rodica RUSU | Romania | Critical Thinking in the Philosophy for Children


54. Lidia TROIANOWSKI | Republic of Moldova | Canon of Socialist Realism in the Vision of Boris Groys and Hans Gunther


55. Loredana VLAD | Romania | Life Without Body and Extended Life – a Transhumanist Perspective

Coffee Break
Oral Session 3

ROOM | B101

Presentations |

1. Mihaela Georgiana MOTAIANU | Visual Design as a Communication Tool with Children and Teenagers with Autism

2. Maria MANDEA | Participatory Design in Educational Theatre

3. Virgil GHEORGHE | The Moderating Role of Work Locus of Control in Relationship between Interpersonal Communication and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour

4. Simona BADER, Corina SIRB | Romanian Online Media Towards a Fight Paradigm: a Qualitative Analysis

5. Ionut GHIBANU | Discourse between Professional Ethics, Morality and Truth

6. Roxana MOSOR | Presidential Elections in Post-December Romania – Bivalent Influences on Democratization

7. Mircea Constantin DUICA, Nicoleta Valentina FLOREA, Anisoara DUICA | A Constructive-based Critical Analysis of Messages in Organizational Communication

8. Ileana TANASE | Living the Remoteness

9. Lucian DÎRDAL? | title reserved

10. Simona Elena VÂRLAN, Liliana MÂ??, Cosmin TOMOZEI | Studies based on the Investigation of Attitudes towards Unethical Use of Information Technology

Workshop 3 | Imposing Ethical Regulation through Healthy International Communicative Action

ROOM | B110

Chair |

1. PhD. Student Alexandra HUIDU – Doctoral School of Sociology, University of Oradea; Editor at LUMEN Publishing House, Romania.

14:00 – 15:00
Lunch Break
15:00 – 17:00
Workshop 4  | Honoring Romanian History – Personalities that Helped Shape the Modern Romania (trip to Chindia Tower)

Location | Complexul Muzeal Curtea Domneasca, Turnul Chindiei – Sala de conferinte a Muzeului de istorie

Coordinators |

1. Professor PhD Antonio SANDU – Center for Applied Ethics within Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava, Romania

2. Associate Professor PhD Tomita CIULEI – Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Letters and Communication, Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania.