19th LUMEN International Scientific Conference


November 22-23,  2019

13th LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Communicative Action and Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society | CATES | 22-23 November 2019 | Targoviste, Romania

Venue: Faculty of Political Sciences, Letters and Communication, Valahia University Targoviste
1st day of 13th LUMEN CATES2019 | Friday, November, 22nd 2019
11:00 – 11:30
Registration Desk Hall of the Faculty
11:30 – 12:30

Plenary Session 1


Lect. PhD. Ana FRUNZA (“Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava)

Room: Oxford

Speakers & Presentations |

1.      Associate Professor, PhD Dan Ioan DASCALU– „Stefan cel Mare” University, Romania – Political Militantism in the 2.0 Era

2.      Prof. PhD Antonio SANDU – “Stefan cel Mare” University, Suceava, PhD Student Alexandra HUIDU, University of Oradea (Romania)- The social construction of the concept of ethics, a legitimizing process for sustainable social development

3.      PhD Galya GEORGIEVA-TSANEVA, Institute of Robotics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)- Supporting the Development of Healthcare through Physiological Data Processing Software System        

12:30 – 13:30
Plenary Session 2


Lect. PhD. Ana FRUNZA (“Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava)

Room: Oxford

Speakers & Presentations |

  1. Prof. PhD Emily TAJSIN, Are sign-symbolic systems. Forms of being – or of knowledge? (virtual)
  2. Prof. PhD Sorin Tudor MAXIM (Romania) Progress in Ethics: from what “it has to be” to what “it can be
  3. Associate Professor PhD Tomita CIULEI – From Aristotle’s Rhetoric to Modern Discourse Analysis. Persuasion Strategies
  4. Researcher PhD Iulian APOSTU (Romania) – The training / deformation dilemma in viewing pornography as an alternative to sex education
13:30 – 14:30


Workshop 1


Room: Oxford

Workshop Celebrating “World Philosophy Day”

Book release |

  1. Ipostaze ale simbolului in lumea traditionala – Cojanu Daniel Cristian, LUMEN, 2019
  2. Dóxa  în conceptia lui Platon, Adriana MACSUT, LUMEN, 2019
  3. Consilierea filosofica apreciativa, Antonio SANDU, LUMEN, 2019

Speakers |

  • Lecturer PhD. Daniel Cristian COJANU – Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania
  • PhD. Ana FRUNZA – Editor at LUMEN Publishing House, Romania.
  • Prof. PhD Antonio SANDU -Director of LUMEN Publishing House, Romania.
  • Lecturer PhD. Pompiliu ALEXANDRU – Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania
  • Lecturer PhD. Daniel COJANU – Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania
14:30-15:30 Lunch Break
15:30 – 16:45
Parallel Oral Session 1

Social Sciences



Moderator |

Postdoctoral Researcher Cristina MOCANU (University of Bucharest, Romania)

Room:  B 104

Speakers & Presentations |

  1. Dan Ioan DASCALU (Romania) Collectivism in Interwar Romanian Sociology
  2. Iulian  MITRAN, Ana-Rodica Staiculescu (Romania) Gagauzian Stitching And Weaving: An Overview On Social Change Through Rural Craftsmanship
  3. Andriy S. Pospielov (Ukrain) Military-conflict in Eastern Ukraine and its social and political dimensions
  4. Cristina MOCANU (Romania) Predictors for entry of young people into the labour market in Romania
  5. Mimi-Carmina COJOCARU (Romania) Debate group – a pedagogical tool for involving the student in the teaching process
  6. Jan HLOUŠEK, Miroslav KAPPL, Lucie SMUTKOVÁ (Czech Republic) The best interest of the child and its application in the practice of Social Workers in the Czech Republic (virtual)
  7. Angela Luminita MOLDOVAN (DURNEA), Liliana PETER, Lucia JUGAN (PUSCAS) (Romania) Social Responsibility In University Education
  8. Roxana  NECULA, Atena GASPAR DE ALMEIDA SANTOS (Romania) Partner Violence: Alarming Situations With Transnational Dimensions
  9. Alexandra HUIDU (Romania) Bioethics, Religious Opacity And Biotechnologies

Oral Session 2

Ethics & Educational Perspectives

Moderator: Assoc. Prof. PhD. Gabriela Alina ANGHEL (Valahia University Târgoviste)

Room: B105

Speakers & Presentations |

  1. Liliana MATA, Otilia CLIPA (Romania) Inclusive Education and In-service Teachers’ Attitudes
  2. Alina COSTIN, Alina Felicia ROMAN (Romania) Discussing with the parents of high school students: what do they know about drugs?
  3. Liliana MATA, Ioana BOGHIAN (Romania) Qualitative research on the perception of teachers in higher education towards ethical issues of Information technology use
  4. Maria Butucea (Romania) Mental programs and cross – cultural education (A possible approach for better understanding Chinese history, mind and behavior)
  5. Alina COSTIN, Alina Felicia ROMAN (Romania) Study on parents ‘perception of  Teenagers’ drug use
  6. Camelia Delia VOICU, Alina Gabriela ANGHEL (Romania) Social Inclusion in and through Early Education and Care – Realities and Perspectives

Oral Session 3

Section 2 Humanities &  World Philosophy Day



PhD Lucian MOCREI REBREAN (Stefan cel Mare University)


Room: B 107

Speakers & Presentations |

  1.  Mircea GROZAVU (Romania) The obligation of the bank to inform the consumer about the contractual clauses from the perspective of the EUCJ decision no. C 621/17 (Kiss vs. CIB BANK)
  2. Cristina Claudia POPESCU (Romania) Artifice and participation in museum education
  3. Dan Florin STANESCU, Catalin IONITA, Ana-Maria IONITA (Romania) Game-thinking in personnel recruitment and selection: Advantages and Disadvantages
  4. Mihaela MOTAIANU, Cornelia MOTAIANU, Dragos GHEORGHIU (Romania) Maps of  urban archaeology. Augmented Reality as a psychogeographical method of  exploring the City in the past
  5. Lucian MOCREI REBREAN  (Romania) Ontology and Hermeneutics of Sacred Space: an anthropological approach
  6. Cristina TRIPON (Romania) Critical thinking as a need for future employers
  7. Simona       GABUREANU, Cristina TRIPON (Romania) Leading Students To Self-Reflect About Critical Thinking-Evidence From Gender Differences
  8. Marian-Alin DUDOI, Elena-Sidonia DUDOI, Marin DUDOI (Romania)An Approach To The Tutorial Group Discussion
International Conference on Critical Discourse Analysis

(CDA 2019)

Târgoviste, Romania | November 22nd-23rd, 2019

Associated scientific event of

13th LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Communicative Action and Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society | CATES | 22-23 November 2019 | Târgoviste, Romania

15:30 – 16:45

Oral session:

Discourse in Use – Linguistic, Literary, Social and Ethical Perspectives


Moderators |

Associate Professor PhD Tomita CIULEI – Valahia University of Targoviste, Faculty of Political Sciences, Letters and Communication, Romania

Senior Lecturer PhD Ioana RAICU – Valahia University of Târgoviste, Romania

Room |  Oxford

Speakers |

  1. Agnes ERICH (Romania) Public Libraries’ Role In Community Engagement For Public Discourse        
  2.  Elena Anca Georgescu (Romania) – The Postmodern Subject – A Site of Struggle     
  3. Angela STANESCU (Romania) A Portrait Of The Artist As A Hunted Man: The Politics Of Subjectivity In Salman Rushdie’s Memoir Joseph Anton
  4.  Dana Camelia DIACONU, Nicoleta POPESCU (Romania) Words Formation: Prefixes and Suffixes in Romanian Technical Terminology from English Vocabulary 
  5.  Ileana TANASE(Romania)   Power and Domination
  6.  Ioana  RAICU (Romania)-‘Speech rules’ are made to be broken – an ethical perspective
  7. Roxana – Elena MOSOR (Romania) The Role Of The Presidential Elections In The Romanian Post-Decembrist Path
  8. Cristina FURTUNA (Romania) The Nickname – an Explanatory Model
  9. Daniel COJANU (Romania) The reverse perspective. Deciphering the visual discourse of the icon
  10. Tomita CIULEI (Romania) From Aristotle’s Rhetoric to Modern Discourse Analysis
POSTER Presentations



Faculty of Political Sciences, Letters and Communication,

Valahia University Targoviste


  • Oprea Valentin BUSU, Elena Cristina ANDREI (Romania) Integration of the concept of critical thinking in the didactic-pedagogical sphere
  • Irina Maria BALAN (Romania) Portrait the key to the self- artistic and pedagogical experiments.Visual arts, tool of knowledge, recognition and self-knowledge


  • Mariana CALIN (Romania) The Existing Relationships Between Personality Traits And Non-Cognitive Skills
  • Mariana CALIN (Romania) Social Phobia and addictive behavior in adolescents
  •  Gabriela CRISTEA (Romania), Ionut-Constantin MANOLE (Moldova) The Construction of the Didactic Message From the Computer Science Perspective


  • Anisoara – Ionela DIACONU (Romania) Increasing economic competitiveness through the contribution of digitalization
  •  Anisoara – Ionela DIACONU, Adrian MORARU (Romania) The application of structured analytic techniques for identifying the real potential of reindustrialization in Romania
  • Alexandra Andreea DRAGOMIR (Romania) Social skills for children with autism
  • Andreea DUMITRACHE, Monica Mihaela MAER MATEI (Romania) Churn Analysis In A Romanian Telecommunications Company


  • Ionela-Daniela GAITAN (Botezatu) (Romania)The analysis of economic impact of natural disasters
  • Zinaida GRIBINCEA (Romania) The role of manipulation in electoral processes
  • Iuliana Mirela GLOGOVEANU (Romania) The activity of naval radio-telecommunications during the communist regime in Romania
  • Anca Gabriela          GLOGOVEANU (Romania) International Conventions, Regional Agreements And National Regulations As Well The Localization System In The Search And Rescue Field


  • Md Sajjad HOSAIN  (China) The impact of social media recruitment on candidates’ perceptions: Evidence from Bangladeshi fresh graduates


  • Mihaela Magdalena IGNAT (Romania)The Term of Appeal


  • Monica Mihaela MAER MATEI, Anamaria Beatrice ALDEA (Romania)Employers’ requirements for data scientists – an analysis of job posts
  • Simona  MINA (Romania) The importance of motivating employees in the maritime industry
  • Iuliu-Marius MORARIU (Romania) Nicolas Berdyaev and the philosophical relevance of a spiritual autobiography
  • Andreea MURARU (Romania) The impact of global tensions on the economic and financial cycle in Romania


  • Gabriela NEOFET (Romania) Philosophy of science, technique and technology
  • Gabriela NEOFET (Romania) Social assistance in the era of technological modernization
  • Gabriela NEOFET (Romania) Technology in the realm of education


  • Liliana PAVEL (Romania)    The forms of negation in Cioran’s philosophy
  • Ancuta PIRVAN (Romania) The role of the aquatic environment as a hydrokinotherapeutic method for persons with disabilities
  • Ancuta PIRVAN (Romania)The importance of ergotherapy in motor disorders
  • Anca Raluca PURCARU (Romania) Romanian Media accounts of St. Valentine and Dragobete: Ethical Challenges on reporting about multicultural traditions
  • Georgeta Cristina PENCEA, Adrian PETRE (Romania) Internal and External Migration


  • Mirela SICHIGEA, Adriana CRAITAR (Romania)Economic and social implication on young NEET in Romania and Bulgaria
  • Viorela Georgiana STINGA, Ana Cornelia OLTEANU (Romania)The process of choosing transport modes in a logistic chain



2nd day of 13th LUMEN CATES2019 | Saturday, November 23rd 2019
10:00 – 11:00


Workshop 2

Room |  B 110

Workshop | Practice of Obtaining Informed Consent in Research on Human Subjects

Chairs |

  • Lect. PhD, Scientific Researcher III – Ana FRUNZA – LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Iasi, Romania
  • Prof. PhD. Antonio SANDU – Center for Applied Ethics within Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania;
11:00 – 12:00

Workshop 3

Room | B 110



Workshop  | Presenting LUMEN Journals in the Field of Postmodern Studies (Postmodern Openings Journal – a Web of Science indexed journal)

Speakers |

  • PhD. Student Alexandra HUIDU – Editor at LUMEN Publishing House, Romania.
  • PhD. Ana FRUNZA– Editor at LUMEN Publishing House, Romania.
 12:00- 13:00


Workshop 4

Room: B 110

Workshop | Ethics in Scientific Publication


  • Professor PhD Antonio SANDU – Center for Applied Ethics within Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava, Romania
13:00– 14:30
3rd LUMEN EDU & 13th LUMEN CATES 2019

Closing Ceremony

Chairs |

  • Prof. PhD.  Antonio SANDU – “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania, Director of LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Iasi, Romania
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Tomita CIULEI Valahia University Tâargoviste, Romania
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Laura Monica GORGHIU – Vice-Rector, Valahia University Târgoviste, Romania

Room | Oxford