Workshop | Supervision of ethics – updating ethics expertise | April 16th 2016 | Iasi, Romania
World LUMEN Congress 2016 | April 12th – 17th 2016 | Iasi, Romania
Scope | The purpose of the Workshop is to debate the model of ethical expertise proposed by Ana Frunza and Antonio Sandu and called Supervision of Ethics. The model is described in the volume “Catre o noua expertiza etica – deconstruind valorile etice” written by Ana Frunza, and in “Etica si practica sociala” written by Antonio Sandu, being proposed as strategy of supervision of ethical practice in the organizations.
We wish to expose this model, still under construction, of a critical debate, at the level of the community of ethicists and practitioners in the area of public administration and social services.
Overview |
Introducing the supervision of ethics allows the ethicist expert to become a third party, situated at a level of social reality that would facilitate the power balance between the beneficiary of social workers and their offerer. Supervision of ethics doesn’t exclude other types of ethical expertise: ethics audit, functioning of committee of ethics, ethics policies, etc.
If, in general, the ethics of the professions places the common moral first, and implicitly highlights the familiarity with the norms of ethics translated into principles, the supervision of ethics starts from the premise of the need for an ethicist who should be familiar with the constitutive ethical values which led to the emergence of social and professional practice in the area in which the ethical expertise is offered.
Supervision of ethics is therefore the result in the action plan of a paradigmatic mutation in understanding applied ethics by going from the principiist, deontological and utilitarian dimensions towards an affirmative ethics centred on values. There are two categories of values identified, namely the constitutive values – whose development made necessary the emergence of that social/professional and institutional practice – and operational values – which punctuates the practice by establishing the limits of ethical acceptability of social/professional practice used in developing constitutive values.
Speakers | Ana Frunza & Antonio Sandu
Language of presentation | Romanian
Venue of the Conference | Iasi, Romania
Date | April 16th 2016
Organizers | LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Iasi, Romania
Registration | For registering to this workshop, please send us your intention to, together with the following information:
- Full name
- Institution
- E-mail address
- Phone number