19th LUMEN International Scientific Conference


  • ISI Proceedings Volume Publication (ISBN)

Authors could propose full papers to be published into a volume with ISBN provided by MEDIMOND Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings. All papers published in this version of conference proceedings volume will be submitted to Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science (ISI Web of Science) for evaluation in order to be included in the list.
The papers proposed for publication should be 10 pages length.
In this system of publication, only the first 100 papers submitted and accepted by the Scientific Committee will be published.

The volume will only be available in E-book format.

Good to know for author!

  • All the publications published by Medimond Monduzzi Proceedings Divison are ISBN / ISSN coded and indexed in Conference Proceedings Citation Index published by Thomson Reuters – Philadelphia formerly Institute for Scientific Information ISI (http://www.medimond.com/proceedings/).
  • All articles (for oral presentations and posters) should  be written in English, for  Proceedings publication;
  • Any paper that does not comply with the mentioned requirements will be returned to authors.
  • Conference Proceedings Citation Index, is a ISI Thomson Reuters that does not calculate impact factor. All proceedings resulted from conferences are indexed into this data base.

We are proud to inform you that the volume of scientific papers of the International Scientific Conference Tradition and Reform 2013, second edition, has been indexed in ISI Thomson Reuters, Web of Science.
Lumen Conference Tradition and Reform 2013 indexed ISI

  • International Databases Proceedings Publication (ISSN) – special issue of LUMEN journals

Authors could propose full papers to be published within LUMEN Proceedings (Social Sciences, Philosophy and Humanities, Law and Political Sciences, Economy), journals published by Editura Lumen Romania in cooperation with Lumen Media Publishing UK.
LUMEN Proceedings are already indexed in international data bases such as IndexCopernicus, CEEOL, RePEc.


To submit the full paper, please comply with the publisher requirements of your choice of publication.
You can submit the full paper, ONLY after the abstract has been accepted and the participation fee for the conference has been paid.
To submit the full paper outside the platform, or for any other information regarding the conference, please use the following address: lumenconference@gmail.com.