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Workshops MEPDEV 2015

Stimati Colegi,

Va invitam cu drag sa participati la evenimentele asociate conferintei LUMEN MEPDEV 2015, evenimente de tipul workshop:

Workshop 1: Publication ethics

Coordinator: Associate Professor PhD Daniela CUTAS,  Umeå University and the University of Gothenburg (SWEDEN);  Workshop CODE: WSMEPDEV01

Junior researchers often find themselves confused the first times they engage in the process of publishing. There are few guidelines available to them (in many areas none at all), and a variety of practices and expectations in different research environments – and these are often independent of, or even contradict, each other. At the same time, in most research careers, publishing is essential. We will discuss a number of problematic aspects of research publishing, and possible solutions to these. The topics that we will address will include: how the different current practices across disciplines could be matched with the increasing internationalisation and interdisciplinarity of research and mobility of researchers – in a way more likely to increase fairness; Who is an author and how decisions about (co)authorship in a research team should be taken; What are redundant publications and why they are a problem; Who should be a peer reviewer and how one should perform one’s task as a peer reviewer; Whether the service that one provides as a peer reviewer could or should be rewarded in a way more tangible than it currently is – or example, should peer reviewing count in the evaluation of one’s work?; Whether peer reviewing should be anonymous and whether reviews should be published alongside the published articles; Whether  acknowledgments in others’ publications could or should be formally rewarded.

The aim of this class is to stimulate awareness of the variety of current practices in research publication and of the many pitfalls that are embedded in this essential part of research life.

Target group: PhD students in particular but also anyone who works in research and publishes or will publish research papers or who evaluates research.

Workshop 2:  Fireworks of Posthuman Stimuli

Coordonator: PhD Stefan Lorenz SORGNER, University of Erfurt (GERMANY) ; Workshop CODE: WSMEPDEV02

We are in an age where paradigm shifts occur in many fields of the life world. The coming about of the posthuman perspective is particularly relevant in this context. It is related to the following insights:

  1. A move from a dualist towards a non-dualist anthropology.
  2. A radical increase of anthropotechniques with the power of enhancing human capacities so that the likelihood of the coming about of the posthuman can be increased.
  3. The posthuman can come about by means of digital technologies or with the help of biotechnologies whereby the field of genetics is particularly relevant.

These three basic insights lead to great amount of intellectual, social, political, ethical and economic challenges. Here I will present a selection of emerging questions. By means of a fireworks of intellectual stimuli I will present suggestion how they can be addressed in an appropriate manner.

Workshop 3:  Bune practici educationale in domeniul Stiintelor, cu accent pe exploatarea dimensiunilor Cercetarii si Inovarii Responsabile (RRI)

 Coordonatori : Prof.univ.dr. Gabriel GORGHIU, Lect.univ.dr. Gabriela Alina ANGHEL, Lect.univ.dr. Ana-Maria Aurelia PETRESCU (ROMANIA) Workshop CODE: WSMEPDEV03

Scop: Identificarea modelelor de bune practici educationale care exploateaza dimensiunile Cercetarii si Inovarii Responsabile (RRI) in domeniul Stiintelor.

Obiective: Analiza eficientei strategiilor didactice care exploateaza dimensiunile RRI (analiza tipurilor de strategii didactice de tipul: analogice,  inductive, deductive, algoritmice, euristice care sa stimuleze interesul elevilor pentru cunoasterea conceptului si continuturilor specifice RRI); Identificarea bunelor practici explicative utilizate de cadrele didactice din domeniul Stiintelor, care valorifica potentialul propus de dimensiunile RRI (metode  didactice utilizate, experimentate)

Descrierea perspectivelor de valorificare eficienta a resurselor necesare educatiei care cuprinde dimensiuni specifice RRI: Definirea matricei de specificatie care sa masoare nivelul proiectat al competentelor elevilor in relatie cu cunoasterea dimensiunilor si a cerintelor RRI, si analiza importantei valorificarii cunostintelor specifice RRI in domeniul Stiintelor. ( proiectarea se va realiza impreuna cu cei prezenti)

Grup tinta: cadre didactice care au implementat / diseminat  la clasa continuturi didactice bazate pe exploatarea dimensiunilor RRI si strategia celor 6 E, didacticieni, cercetatori, actori educationali interesati.

Workshop 4: Educatie pentru sanatate in cadrul curriculum-lui modern

Coordinators: Prof. Claudia Lavinia Buruleanu, Lect. Gabriela Alina Anghel, Asist. Camelia Delia Voicu (Valahia University Tagoviste); Workshop CODE: WSMEPDEV04

Scop: Identificarea bunelor practici privind implementarea curriculum-ului bazat pe competente la disciplina Educatie pentru sanatate si la discipline inrudite.


Identificarea metodelor didactice eficiente si analiza perspectivelor de implementare la disciplina Educatie pentru Sanatate si la discipline inrudite, in contextul curriculum-ului actual.
Proiectarea unei matrici de specificatie care sa masoare nivelul proiectat al competentelor elevilor in domeniul Educatie pentru sanatate si analiza importantei valorificarii acesteia in procesul instructiv-educativ.
Proiectarea unui Plan de actiuni referitor la punerea in practica a unor teme care sa furnizeze elevilor cunostintele necesare din domeniu, precum  si la oportunitatile actuale care propun activitati noi educationale, in domeniul Educatie pentru Sanatate.
Grup tinta: profesori din invatamântul prescolar, primar, gimnazial si liceal, care predau disciplina Educatie pentru Sanatate si / sau discipline inrudite.


Dragi Prieteni,

Va invitam cu drag sa va inscrieti la  workshop-ul al carui subiect va trezeste interesul, trimitandu-ne un email la lumenconference@gmail.com cu informatiile urmatoare:

  • Surname:
  • Name:
  • Email:
  • Telephone:
  • City:
  • Country:
  • Workshop Code:

Taxa de participare este inclusa in taxa de participare in cadrul Conferintei LUMEN MEPDEV 2015. Pentru cei care doresc certificat de participare la workshop si materiale  conferintei LUMEN MEPDEV 2015, va invitam sa achizitionati aceste servicii, taxa fiind de 15 euro.

Enjoy LUMEN experience!